Sunday School 9:00am Sunday Worship: 10:00am
2230 13th Street
Greeley, Colorado
Sunday School 9:00am
Sunday Worship: 10:00am

Ministries (Page 22)

New Adult Sunday School Group begins April 3 – Resolving Relational Conflict

Conflict is a normal part of life if you interact with people. Opinions and actions often collide, yet many relationships are too important to walk away from. Some issues are too big to ignore. Add a variety of intense emotions to the mix, and conflict can get very messy and painful. Unresolved conflict brings tragic results. We’ll turn to the Scriptures and…

Right Here, Right Now Fund

The Outreach Team, acting on a suggestion from Pastor Lynn, is establishing a new fund called the Right Here, Right Now Fund. On the last Sunday of the month, all one-dollar bills placed in the offering plate will go into this fund to help with small emergency situations within our congregation or in our community. We think our caring congregation will welcome…