Sunday School 9:00am Sunday Worship: 10:00am
2230 13th Street
Greeley, Colorado
Sunday School 9:00am
Sunday Worship: 10:00am

Pipe Organ Concert – S. Broadway Church

October 27– “The Pipe Organ Spooktacular” at South Broadway Christian Church in Denver. I am treating

anyone in our congregation who wants to experience a once-in-a-lifetime organ concert in a 126-year-old

Victorian sanctuary. Frank Perko, who is now retired in Florida, is coming back home to Colorado to perform.

Frank is arguably the finest organist ever born and raised in Colorado. He will be performing on the

Kimble/Rogers hybrid organ, which Frank calls “the most special organ of its kind in Colorado.” We will have

a sign-up sheet, and you must sign up to go. We will be carpooling at 3:30 from FCC. We get preferred

parking and seating at the Church I served for 18 years. There are eight restaurants within walking distance

of the parking lot. You WON’T be disappointed.  Mark